Chapter 4


IV. How Is the Local Church Supported?


A. By tithes.

1. Malachi 3:10 says, “Bring ye all the ____________ into the storehouse.”

2. According to Numbers 18:21, the Lord had given to the children of Levi (the priests) all the __________ in Israel for an inheritance, and for their service they performed in the tabernacle.

Note: A tithe is one-tenth of a person’s income.

3. I Timothy 5:17,18 talks about supporting elders or pastors. It refers back to an Old Testament passage, and applies it to the New Testament church leaders, saying, “The labourer is worthy of his ____________.”

4. The same matter is brought up again in I Corinthians 9:6-14. Verse 14 says, “Even so hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should ________ of the gospel” (be supported in life by the gospel).


Some argue that the tithe was only a command under

the Old Testament law of Moses, and that we do not have

to observe it today. But the tithe was practiced long before

the law was given to Moses (by Abraham in Genesis 14:20;

and by Jacob in Genesis 28:22).


Note: It is clear from points #3 and #4 above that the Old Testament means of supporting priests (by tithes) is directly applied to the supporting of church leaders today.

5. Malachi 3:8 says that the people were ______________ God by not giving tithes and offerings.

Note: This verse brings about the seriousness of not tithing, and also brings up another matter about money — offerings.


— The local church is supported:

B. By voluntary offerings.

1. I Corinthians 16:2 says, “Upon the __________ day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him.”


The first day of the week is Sunday. The believers

were told to set aside a portion of their money on

that day to give to the Lord.


Note: There are probably at least two reasons why they were told to do it on Sunday.

    First, they were to set aside a portion for the Lord before their money had been all spent over the course of the week.

    Second, the church met on Sunday, so it would be the natural time to gather the offerings.

2. According to verse 1 of this same chapter, this particular collection was “for the ____________” (the believers in Jerusalem, according to verse 3).

Note: These voluntary offerings are used to meet a variety of needs; in this case, for the poor Christians in Jerusalem.


The church is by no means to be a system

of welfare in the community.


II Thessalonians 3:10 says, “that if any would not ________, neither should he eat.”

There is only one group of people that is eligible for REGULAR support from the church other than the pastors and missionaries, and that is certain widows.

    a. According to Acts 6:1, the ____________ were being neglected in the daily ministration (the daily feeding).

    b. I Timothy 5:3-16 gives more details about what widows are eligible. Verse 4 says that if a widow has ________________ or nephews, they are to requite her (repay her by supporting her).

    c. Verse 9 of that same passage says that a widow should not be taken into the number (the group that is supported by the church) if she is under ____________________ years old (a “score” equals 20, so threescore would equal 60 years old).

    d. That same verse also gives another requirement for her, that she can only have been the wife of ______ man.

    e. Verse 10 gives another requirement, that she be “Well reported of for ________ works” (she must have a good reputation).

The church may use its offerings to help out believers in need, but only pastors, missionaries, and widows that meet these qualifications may receive REGULAR support of the church.

3. II Corinthians 8:1-15 talks about giving offerings. Verse 12 says, “if there first be a ______________ mind, it is accepted according to that a man hath, and not according to that he hath not.”

4. According to II Corinthians 9:7, God loveth a ________________ giver.


When it comes to offerings, there is no set amount

which a person must give, like there is with the tithe. What God

desires is a willing offering from a cheerful heart.


Note: Some people think that they cannot afford to tithe and give offerings to the Lord because of their present bills. If that is your case, consider these promises of God.

a. Luke 6:38 says, “Give, and it shall be __________ unto you.”

b. Concerning tithes, Malachi 3:10 tells us to bring them to God’s house and prove Him whether or not He will open the windows of heaven and pour us out a ________________.

c. Philippians 4:15-19 talks about giving to the church so missionaries can be supported, and the promise given in verse 19 is that God will then supply all your ________ according to His riches.

The burden of proof lies with us. We have to give in faith, and He promises to meet our needs.



1. A tithe is a__________ of a person’s income.

2. The tithe was practiced long before the law was given to Moses, by such men as ______________ and __________.

3. According to Malachi 3:8, a person is ______________ God if he does not give tithes and offerings.

4. On what day of the week are we to set aside offerings for the Lord?


5. What three groups of people may receive regular support of the church?




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